Daily maintenance of the coolerTime of issue : 2023- 05-25
Excellent coolers are a type of heat exchange equipment used to cool fluids. Usually, water or air is used as a coolant to remove heat. There are wall type coolers, spray type coolers, jacket type coolers, and coil type coolers. The polytetrafluoroethylene cooler for low-temperature use in power plants is a new type of equipment used for waste heat recovery to reduce exhaust gas temperature.
Installation and Use of Reactor AgitatorTime of issue : 2023- 05-25
When transporting and installing the kettle body in place, it is important to avoid damaging the magnetic stirrer on the top of the kettle cover. The reaction kettle operation room requires good ventilation and meets explosion-proof requirements. Install the equipment on a bracket and level it with diagonal iron on the four supports, keeping the equipment perpendicular to the ground. Equipment with flammable and explosive reaction media should be equipped with grounding devices that prevent static electricity to prevent potential electrostatic hazards.
Hot topics that need to be paid attention to in the chemical equipment industryTime of issue : 2023- 05-25
At present, in order to achieve sustainable development in the chemical equipment industry, close attention should be paid to the key and hot topics of industry development, seize opportunities, and guide according to the situation.
Exploring the Path of High end Transformation in the Petrochemical Equipment IndustryTime of issue : 2023- 05-25
Currently, under multiple tests such as economic operation and industrial policy adjustments, China's chemical equipment manufacturing industry is entering a new era. The industrial structure of the equipment industry is expected to continue to optimize, and the trend of economic growth, investment growth, and trade growth will begin to emerge.
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